pain (sciatica), symptomatic of other medical conditions, is when the sciatic
nerve or one of its origins along the lumbar (lower) spine is irritated,
pressured or damaged causing pain, weakness, numbness and/or tingling in the
lower back and extremities.
While a spine
specialist can officially diagnose whether you are showing symptoms of
sciatica, you can also educate yourself about key sciatic pain indicators. To
assist you, SpineOne has provided an online
infographic that illustrates some of the sciatic pain symptoms and
their locations. Simply click on the image to enlarge, save and/or print
If you or someone you know suffers from chronic sciatica and is unable to find
a solution, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a spine specialist
like the ones at SpineOne.
The physicians at
SpineOne provide each patient with a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis
and personalized treatment plan designed to meet their individual health
needs. SpineOne offers both minimally invasive services for mild to
moderate back pain and more advanced options for discomfort that is either
severe or unresponsive to conservative techniques.
Call us at 303.500.8611 or visit to learn more
about our services. For your convenience, SpineOne offers same-day
appointments with consultation, imaging and treatment all
within one facility.
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